By The Backseat View

“Hello, Brother.” Welcome to Mystic Falls!
Dear Diary, this Covington Travel Guide explores the charming town known as Mystic Falls for Vampire Diaries Fans and Serenity for Sweet Magnolia Fans. Visiting the filming sites and having lunch at Mystic Grill (Sullivan’s) makes Covington the PERFECT Girl’s Trip. While exploring the town, you will encounter fans of Sweet Home Alabama, Gone with the Wind, and Remember the Titans searching filming locations. The meticulously preserved historic homes, exuding a charming hometown atmosphere, are well worth visit.

It is free to explore town and take photographs of your favorite movie locations. Covington hosts Vampire Diary event days, so grab your vampire shirt to join festivities. Although Vampires have the most fans Sweet Magnolias is gaining ground in the town.
Covington Travel Guide
“Our actions are what set things in motion, but we have to live with that.” Elena

Covington is an hour outside Atlanta, GA.
Known as the Hollywood of the South, with over 250 movies and TV productions filmed here.
Welcome Center
1. The Welcome Center is my favorite stop for ALL the Vampire Diaries memorabilia. It is an ideal location to park your car, obtain a map, and explore the town on foot.

Mystic Grill
2. Lunch at the Mystic Grill (or Sullivans) is a MUST!
Seated on The Rooftop with a view of the iconic clocktower and menus signed by the renowned movie cast, I felt as though I was in heaven. The inside bar show scenes were shot at the sound stage, so the inside isn’t exactly as expected. The superb cuisine and scenic park views make it my second favorite destination.

“It’s okay to LOVE them both, I did.” Katherine
Mystic Grill: 1116 Clark Street SW, Covington, GA

“Whenever you go too far, I will be there to pull you back. Every second. Every day. Until you don’t need me.” Damon Salvatore

The Alley
3. Below the Mystic Grill is my favorite Vampire store called The Alley. The Alley has the best Vampire Diaries souvenirs, cast clothes, and props from the show. We bought our blood bags here. The Alley beside Mystic Grill is the most popular location to die.

“Sometimes it pays to be the only normal one in a town of vampires.” Matt

“Family are not just people who coddle you, grant you your every whim – they are people who fight for you, who you fight for.” Klaus
The Park
4. The iconic clocktower, the town square, and the park benches are steps from the Mystic Grill.

Town Square
5. The Hollywood Stars with cast names on the sidewalk are around the square, so shop the square and found your favorite stars.

My favorite town square stores include the adorable Scoops for ice cream and the Bread and Butter Bakery for Vampire-inspired smoothies. We underestimated the time we needed to shop, and how cute and unique the stores would be. Give yourself a couple of hours to shop.
The Spa

Sweet Magnolia Fans, The SPA is located a street behind Scoops at 1144 College Ave, Covington.
The Serenity Public Library in the 4th Season is filmed at the Covington Woman’s Club near the square.
Mystic Mercantile is new to the square and it brings the famous living room with it. For $35 you can open the doors and pretend to be onset with Damon and Stefan.

Vampire Stalkers
6. We loved Vampire Stalkers with their Vampire memorabilia and souvenirs. The Vampire Stalkers/Mystic Falls Tours are sold here. The tour gets you inside Lockwood Manor and explores the grounds.
1102 Monticello St. SW, Covington, GA (It’s on the town square, you can’t miss it)

Filming location Tour
After exploring the town square, let’s visit the filming houses on the map, which are all extremely close together. The town homes are GORGEOUS, so you will LOVE strolling. People live in these homes, so don’t expect to sit on the porch swing. Please, stay on the sidewalk. Let’s follow the map.
Lockwood Mansion
7. Lockwood Mansion, the real name is Worthington Manor, is located at 2129 East Street, Covington, GA. The carriage house of Lockwood Mansion is for rent on Air B&B, one bedroom at about $600 a night. The Lockwood Mansion is only two blocks from town.

Twelve Oaks Bed & Breakfast
8. The longest walk is the half mile to visit the Old Lockwood Mansion, and Plantation House, which also inspired Gone with the Wind.
The house is called Twelve Oaks Bed & Breakfast and is award-winning and breath-takingly beautiful. The rooms are Vampire Diary or Gone with the Wind luxury themed, so it is THE place to stay overnight. Their website house tours redirects to Main Street Trolleys & Tours with the $40 tour around Covington. I couldn’t find a tour the house option.
Address: 2176 Monticello Street, SW, Covington, GA

Elena & Caroline
9. Elena Gilbert’s House address is2104 Floyd Street NE, Covington, GA
“Getting out of bed is dangerous, but these days we have to live our lives.” Elena
Next door to Elena is Caroline’s House. Caroline Forbes’ House address is 2118 Floyd Street, NE, Covington, GA.
“Just because I talk a lot doesn’t mean I always know what I’m talking about.” Caroline

Maddie’s House
Sweet Magnolia’s Fans, Maddie’s house is across the street at 2103 Floyd Street, NE.
“The rain doesn’t stop, but neither do the rainbows.”

10. Isobel’s House is gorgeous, with an address of 2146 Conyers St. SE, Covington, GA.
- Gram’s House: 2136 Conyers St. SE, Covington, GA
- Sweet Magnolias filmed Season 3 with Mary Vaughn Lewis and Kyle at Gram’s House.
- A house away from Gram’s house is the cemetery. The same cemetery the Sweet Magnolia kids walk through in the first episode.

Witch Burial Ground from Vampire Diaries address is 3188 Conyers St., Covington, GA
Dana Sue’s
- Sweet Magnolia Fans, Dana Sue’s house is here at 3119 Southeast Conyers, Covington

- Sweet Magnolia pizzeria from the second episode is The Depot Sports Bar and Grill, 3 minute drive to 4122 Emory Street NW, Covington.
- Helen’s House is in Atlanta at 1941 Trotti St.NE in Kirkwood.
- The Sweet Magnolia Church is in Decatur, GA called Oakhurst Presbyterian.
- Serenity High School is filmed at Henry County Middle School in McDonough, GA.
After a day exploring Covington, the City Pharmacy is perfect for dinner.
The Originals fans Must Travel to CONYERS
“We stick together as one, always and forever.” Rebekah Mikaelson

Switch your humanity off, and let’s stalk KLAUS!
Klaus is a town away, 11miles, in Conyers, aka New Orleans.
Welcome Center
The Welcome Center is a historic train depot providing free tour brochures and photo opportunities. Park near the Welcome Center and walk the block to all the filming sites. I LOVE the Originals, so I loved an hour of touring.
901 Railroad St., Conyers, GA 30012

- Rousseau’s is 903 Commercial Street, Conyers, GA
- Gillespie’s Pub-S3EP7 is 18 Commercial Street NE, Conyers, GA30112 (across the street)
- Witches Cauldron – fights between Vampires & Witches- S1EP3, S4EP1 is 922 Center Street NE, Conyers, GA 30012
- The Annual Casket Girl Festival-S1EP10 and Father Kieran’s Funeral is 924 Center Street NE, Conyers, GA 30112 Literally just a street and a parking lot area.
- Sweet Magnolias season 2 Coffee Shop is called Awake Coffee located at 909 Commercial Street NE, Conyer.
Wickery Bridge

I couldn’t leave without visiting where it all began to complete the Covington Travel Guide.
The Wickery Bridge, called Flat Bridge by locals, is located 15 minutes southwest of Conyers in Lithonia. I felt it was busy, dangerous, close to a curve, with nowhere decent to pull off, so I recommend just driving slowly across.
- 5090 Klondike Road, Lithonia, GA
“Life isn’t about your final moments. It’s about the moments that led up to them.” Stephen Salvatore
(Take the Trip!)

To explore quaint mountain towns, chase waterfalls, and go quality shopping, try these towns for your next Girl’s Trip.
Blue Ridge, GA, for hiking and shopping and apple orchards.
Helen, GA, for an alpine escape during the fall or Christmas.
Mooresville, NC, for upscale Lake Life.

The Ultimate Boston & Salem Travel Guide explores the history of the Revolutionary War, Fenway Park, the chilling town of Salem, and the Newport mansions on The Cliff Walk. Let’s meet in Boston in the fall. There’s nowhere else I would rather be than a Girl’s Trip to Salem in our witch hats!

I have several posts for the Ultimate Girl’s Trips to 30A, Florida.
10 Iconic Experiences in Seaside, FL
Guide to the Mysterious Grayton Beach
Unravel the 16 Beach Towns of 30 A, FL
A Budget Weekend on 30A

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